Fundamental Information – First Things First
The Gospel - Good News
In a world where it is becoming more and more difficult to receive good news to make a person be happy and feel secure, I am saying that, that dark gloomy outlook can change now. There is in fact good news to share. The creator of all the universes, galaxies out there has heard your cry and provided a way for you to be reconnected to him and find peace and unspeakable joy. By believing in the holy scriptures given unto us we find the plan of salvation, the good news John 3:7-16 and Romans 10:8-10.
If you believe that God sent his son Jesus to die for your sins and that he raised him Jesus from the dead to live for evermore, you will be born again. The thing is you have to believe this. If you are having any difficulty in your belief, you can watch my video on belief, in which I try to lay a foundation for all things going forward with your life. It is very very important if you want a change in your life, if you want your life to go in the right direction, if you want good things in your life, go and watch this video. Your life will never be the same again. You can join us on this journey to go deeper and higher in God.
God Bless.
Getting Saved – Step by Step
1. Believe in your heart that God sent his only begotten son, Jesus Christ to die for your sins. He was crucified and then raised from the dead. Jesus Christ is now alive forever more. Read the above scriptures. We believe with our hearts and confess with our mouths.
2. You can read other scriptures that will help to cement your belief in Baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit. Acts 2:38, Romans 6:1-4.
3. Learn how to pray – Pray every day. In the same way the physical body needs food, such as meat and veggies etc. The spirit within you also needs food. This food is the word of God and communion with God by praying and worshiping in the Spirit. Do this daily and you will be strong and able to resist the devil and he will flee from you.
4. Study the Word – Find and Join a Bible Study. Whatever you hear from a preacher or Bible Study you can research it and read the scriptures for yourself so you will not be led astray. You will learn to divide the word and explain it to others.
5. Learn and Grow in the knowledge of God. This is crucial for your endurance in the Faith.
6. Pray and Discover God’s will for your life. Identify what talent you have and how it can be used to help others.
7. Use your talents and abilities to bring others to Christ so they can become born again and start their journey with Christ.
Below are some videos of lessons which you can view.