Posted 1/20/2025.
When All Things That Surround Becomes Ashes
The fire storm is raging. Even now at the writing and posting of this Blog, after ten days the fire fighting continues. The battle is fierce. Acres of property are being destroyed and thousands of houses disintegrated. Most importantly, thousands of lives will never be the same again. After such devastation, no one witnessing the demise of those affected can say they have no compassion for the victims. It is just utter devastation.
In looking at the remnants of all the physical properties, as they are portrayed all over the news for all to see, one has to wonder what happens now? How will the rebuilding of the structures take place? How will the residents recuperate after such a catastrophic loss? Many questions and investigations must be addressed in the coming months and years.
It might seem impossible and maybe egregious to suggest anything good coming out of these fires, however, there is always, always, one tiny ray of hope somewhere, if only we look for it. What might this ray of hope be in a situation like this? This situation creates a sort of pushing one's back against the wall. There is nowhere to go, no one to help, no one to provide the answers to the myriad of questions flooding the minds right now. The only symbol of any stability now is God the creator.
These fires show in no uncertain terms, the frailty of the things man builds, the frailty of the human flesh and the impermanence of the things that we see all around us. In these situations, we must by all means, pause and look within ourselves to take stock of where our treasures lie. As the Bible says where your treasure is there your heart will be also.
As we accumulate material things in this life, these fires remind us that we cannot put our trust in them. We cannot and dare not worship them. We must not put material things before God or give them more prominence above God. The fires also remind us that all things that we can see are temporary. The bed we sleep in, the clothes we wear, the beautiful antiques, furniture, paintings, absolutely everything visible to the naked eye are temporary and in due time will vanish away and return to the dust of the earth.
I want to encourage all who will read this blog to make a decision to prioritize serving the Kingdom of God and ensure your heart, soul, body, mind and spirit has been submitted to God. After complete submission to God our creator, eternal invisible and the only wise God, we must seek to do his will and accomplish his purpose for our lives. That is why we were created in the first place. For God's pleasure to give him glory, honor and praise.
The fires are devastating, the lives affected will never be the same again. The landscape will be totally changed. However, in spite of all these things many lives were spared. I pray and hope everyone who hears, sees and knows about these fires will endeavor to use this as a constant reminder as Paul encourages us in 2nd Corinthians 4:18, “While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.”
Food Addiction
First, let me define these two words so that we can look under the surface of this issue. According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, food is defined as something that nourishes, sustains or supplies. Addiction is defined as a compulsive chronic physiological or psychological need for a habit-forming substance or behavior or activity having harmful physical, psychological or social effects and typically causing well defined symptoms (such as anxiety, tremors or nausea) upon withdrawal or abstinence. Based on the definitions outlined, I believe food qualifies as an addictive substance.
Although many would not link such a substance as food, that is essential for living, to a catastrophic medical condition of addiction, the facts cannot be denied. The fact is that food, or many types of food, is addictive. One can make the argument that it is just individuals who lack discipline or education about food labels, or some way may go as far as to say, people eat because of boredom, or they are poor, so therefore they eat food of low nutritional value. All of this may be true, but take for example, someone on a low income buying cheap food with low nutritional value, why does this translate into an obese person or obese family? Why are they not skinny with the fact that they are poor and cannot afford a lot of food?
One answer to this may be because the low-cost food that they do eat is not only low in nutritional value, but at the same time it is loaded with addictive substances which causes them to eat more and more low nutritional food. This later creates a cycle in which the person becomes addicted to this substance where they can never get enough of it. These foods usually come packaged with not only addictive substances but also a high caloric content converting to fat. And so, we see an epidemic of catastrophic proportion overtaking the world, especially in highly populated areas such as cities and towns.
Another perspective from which we can view this addiction is from a source most would not think of or make a connection, but this temptation with food started in the garden of Eden. In Genesis 3:6 we see three things coming forward. Lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and the pride of life. These three evil sources are basically the cause of all ills that we see today, as they relate to food addiction. The lust of the flesh is the main source, the fleshy body desires food and more food. The fleshy body desires food to fill the stomach and gratify cravings. It is this source of evil and greed that manipulates, infiltrates and influences the food manufacturers so that they create these addictive ingredients to put in the food. This is creating a chain reaction of addiction and a cycle of ill health, leading to early death.
The issue of food addiction has many contributing factors stemming from both inside and outside a person, unpacking all the components would require many books. However, they all lead to one result, and that is poor health and a shortened lifespan. By looking at the result of this food addiction, we can conclude that it is not the will of God our creator for us to live in poor health, to be obese and sickly with no energy. On the contrary, God wants us to walk in divine health with much energy to do his work. Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit and as such they should reflect perfection. It then behooves us to take decisive steps to make this a reality, to break food addiction and to allow the glory of God to shine forth from our natural bodies. It is time to make a decision to eat according to the Bible, to have the finance to do so and the determination to make it happen, in Jesus Mighty name. Amen.
A Very Hard Pill To Swallow
One of the most controversial statements by Jesus in my opinion, is in Matthew 10 verse 37-40. In this passage, Jesus tells his followers, and he’s also saying that to us today, he states, “He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.” This passage caused me much anguish in the past, I was wondering, am I supposed to hate my family, my parents, or my children to follow Jesus? and the answer to this is, absolutely not. Jesus is not asking you to hate anybody. The question is, are you willing to follow Jesus regardless of what your family says? if your children ask you to stop talking about God and ask you if you love God more than how you love them, what would your answer be? The ramifications of this question go away down into the very essence of our belief and understanding of who Jesus is, and why he made the statements.
Jesus knows that in order for mankind to reclaim his rightful place as true sons of God and enjoy all the benefits and rights of the son; to have all the authority over the devil and demons, mankind have to pledge total and complete obedience to God the creator. God was Jesus Christ in the flesh. I am not saying do not go to a church or belong to an assembly or church group. I am saying total obedience and allegiance must be to God. Everything must be based on the scriptures. If mankind is not able to submit completely to God’s authority and requirements, then he remains in a fallen state and separated from his creator.
The book of Genesis 3 depicted the fall. Eve was tempted by the devil, and she succumbed to his temptation. She took the forbidden fruit to Adam, and he ate of the fruit, not because she pleaded with him or outsmarted him, but he deliberately followed her because he loved her more than the God who gave her to him. So, you see we must realize that God gave us everything we have, need and desire. At the end of the day, everything belongs to God. When Jesus made the statement to love him more than our earthly family, which God gave us anyway, we should trust him. He is testing us. God knows what he’s doing, and it is all for our good. We must surrender to his will completely and in doing so we can share of his glory and power starting even now, while we live here on this earth.
Posted 12/4/24.
Testing The Spirits
There are in fact many spirits at work in the world right now. All the things that we see in the world, all actions, are influenced by a spirit. We live in a spiritual world, and we are in fact spiritual beings living in a human body. Based on this fact, we appreciate and acknowledge that everything that we see had its start in the spiritual realm before it manifested in the earthly realm. To give a simple example, if we think carefully, we realize that everything that we see with our eyes, houses, cars, televisions, phones, etcetera. All things began with someone's thoughts. However, can we see a thought? I don't know about you, but I certainly can't. Thoughts originate in the spiritual realm.
In the same way that thoughts originate in the spiritual realm and subsequently manifest in the natural realm as objects, good and bad, so it is that man's actions have their origin in the spiritual realm. I can remember distinctly in my younger years when I became attracted to a particular young man. I would think about this person and start imagining what I would do with this person, how I would kiss him, and I even imagined the feelings coming from this romantic affair. Truth be told, it eventually happened just like I imagined it in my thoughts. I later reflected on the situation and began to wonder how all these actions ever took place in my life. I then recalled that they all started in my thoughts with me imagining what would happen between me and this person. All that is now water under the bridge. I am now trying to imagine myself with a million dollars, I am still working on it, so look out for this testimony. However, it was a lesson learned. I now was very much aware of the power of thoughts and desires. Again, let me reiterate, these are actually in the spiritual realm. Whatever we grab a hold of and focus on, will eventually materialize in our physical world.
In the book of 1 John 4:1, he is trying to warn believers that there are many spirits that are gone out into the world. Although there are many different kinds of spirits, there are only two original sources or roots. This spirit is either of God or the devil. John outlines how we can identify or test the spirit to find out its source. If this spirit does not confess that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh it is not of God. Let us not add anything more to it or try to get around it. The words of John as he was led by the spirit of God is very clear about this issue.
I write about this matter of testing the spirits because it is becoming more and more prevalent and being pushed on society, the idea that there is a good witch or a good devil. This is a great deception, please do not fall for it. Jesus did warn us that in the last days we should not be deceived, Matthew 24:5 to 6. The devil will never approach anyone or sell himself as an evil being with a red fiery face. No. He will come disguised as a gentle, pretty fairy trying to do some good.
Again, I encourage you who are reading this blog, test this spirit according to 1 John 4:1. Of course the pretty little fairy will do something that looks like it is a good thing, just like Snow White was given a nice juicy red apple, but inside, below the surface was poison and worms. Beware lest you bite the apple and die. Test the spirits, question the motives of people, whether they are for God or not.
In conclusion, I can assure you, God loves you unconditionally. His desire is for all mankind to be saved. It is for all mankind to be flooded with the light of his word. Read your Bible everyday. To be so full of his spirit that there will be no room for the devil to enter. This can only happen if you surrender to God and let him control your life. Let him be your master, your king and your loving father. You won't be disappointed you won't regret it. Only peace, Hallelujah, joy, happiness, goodness, mercy and love await you. Jump into his loving arms today in Jesus mighty name Amen.
Posted 11/20/24.
FEAR Part 2.
In my last post, I focused on fear as the biggest threat to humanity right now, with an emphasis on the dangers of the fear of death. I looked at some of the disastrous mental health problems that stem from this fear. Today, I would like to zoom in on two specific fears and how to defeat them once and for all.
The first fear that you can conquer right now is fear of people's opinion. What others think of you should not be a priority. You will never, ever please everybody. The sooner you realize and accept this fact of life, the better off you will be, seriously. If you could focus and seek to please God, you would discover that man's opinion is inconsequential. If you know that your source of wealth, health and prosperity is from the creator of all mankind, why would you worry about the opinion of another created being just like yourself? We are all human beings, there is none higher or mightier than another. People would try to give the impression that they have power and might to hurt you, to make you lose your job, your family and whatever else they may throw your way. I say to you, upon the authority of the great creator himself, master of the universe, the all-powerful one, that no weapon formed against you shall prosper and every tongue which rises against you in judgement, you shall condemn. (Isaiah 54:17). These words have been touted by many people, believers and unbelievers all over the world. Whether they ring true to you is really up to you. You must believe and hold on to this eternal truth. I firmly believe that if you put yourself in alignment with God's word, you will be unstoppable, and no human being can change it.
The other fear that you can conquer right now is the fear of being irrelevant. This fear may not be recognized by everyone, but it does surface during times of feeling down or when reflecting back over one’s life. It is during these moments that we wonder if our life is making sense or if life is just to live and pay bills. The answer to these thoughts is a resounding NO, absolutely not. You are in fact and indeed very relevant, very important and you have a purpose for your life. There is a reason for you to be alive right now, reading this blog.
You can conquer this fear of being irrelevant by first coming to grips with the reality of your situation. Take some time to write down the positive and negative attributes you can identify. Be honest with yourself and when the glaring truth is in front of you, face it bravely and make a decision to tackle one problem at a time. You may seek the help of someone you can trust who will have your best interest at heart and provide support for you, as you make your way forward in overcoming this fear.
You can replace this fear with the knowledge that you are loved by God, you are alive for a purpose and resources are available to help you achieve your goals and purpose in life. As usual, I would like to encourage you to make use of all the information available on this website. In spite of all the noise, craziness and evil talk taking place in the world right now, there is a beacon of hope still shining and it can never be put out. God is from everlasting to everlasting and his words stands true today, tomorrow and forevermore.
Posted 11/14/24.
The word fear can be defined as an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, is likely to cause harm, pain or is a threat. It is a natural protective instinct. However, when fear becomes excessive or is held for a long period of time, it can cause serious mental and physical consequences. Fear has many faces or tentacles, it reaches out to people in different forms and via several avenues. I would dare say fear is the biggest threat to humanity right now, causing so many ills that it would take several books to outline them all. I would like to look at just a few of them here.
The biggest threat to humanity in my estimation is the fear of death. Death is so final. When a loved one dies, we know we will never interact with, see or hear them again. They are no longer around. Their physical bodies cannot be seen. Whatever happens beyond the grave is not clear or known to many people. Many are confused and because they do not know what lies beyond the grave they fear going in the grave or they fear dying.
This fear of death is very crippling to the human spirit, it causes multiple ills and manifest in countless ways. A good example of how the fear of death cripples someone is by causing that individual to limit activities, traveling or even visiting certain places such as the NYC subway. By not taking the NYC subway to get to work faster they would rather take the bus, which is much slower, so they take a cab which is more expensive, this reduces their income and affects their wealth.
A person’s mental health is also drastically affected by chronic fears. Anxiety, panic, depression and cognitive impairment are just some of the major impacts on one’s mental health. The psychological, emotional, social and economic detriments are incalculable. It is for this reason why I stated that in my opinion, Fear is the biggest threat to humanity. Imagine the momentous tasks that plague the health system and society because of this uncontrolled emotion.
After seeing some of the crippling effects of fear on the lives of patients and in my own life, I am so glad for my full understanding of the reason for the scripture which states in 2 Timothy 1:7 “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and love, and of a sound mind.” This scripture is very comforting and should banish all unwanted and needless fear from our hearts and mind. The song writer also says, “Why worry when we can pray.”
I would like to encourage anyone reading this blog, who is haunted by fear in any shape or form to take comfort in the fact that God Almighty in his wisdom would not give you any burden which you cannot bear. If your growth in life has been stunted, if your happiness is impeded or if your wealth, health and prosperity is in jeopardy, please note it does not have to be like this. God is faithful, he is a loving father who looks out for the interest of his children and gives good gifts to those who love him. You will not be disappointed; the best years of your life are still ahead of you. All you have to do is make up your mind to put your trust in the one who knows you and he wants you to be happy starting right now.
Posted 10/18/24.
Elections are right around the corner here in America. It could be happening this year in your country as well. When it comes to an election, we always look at the candidates and see how their principles line up with our own beliefs. This election is crucial, and the effects are far reaching. However, the most important election vote you can cast is for yourself. Have you ever voted for yourself? Well, the time is now.
Voting for yourself can mean several things. One of the main points is deciding to put your life in the best position with your creator. You must ensure you are following his will and following his commands concerning you. When you do this, you will find that you start to win in all areas of your life.
Voting for yourself also mean living your life as unto Christ. Surrender your will to his will. Allow Christ to work through you. Do not let distractions keep you from casting this important vote. Surrendering your will also give you access to the unsearchable riches of God, which are more precious than gold.
Another big benefit that comes from voting for yourself is the “health plus” yes you heard me. Walking in divine health will give you Peace of Mind. Sickness and disease will not stay in your body. All ailments have to go when you vote for yourself by surrendering to God's plan for your life.
In order to cast this important vote and make these things a reality. You must first cast yourself at the feet of Jesus, acknowledge that he is God. Acknowledge that you need him to change your life. Open your mouth confess your sins, believe in your heart that he will accept your choice. I encourage you to cast your vote today. You have a role in your salvation, you must step forward and vote for yourself right now.
Posted 10/9/2024.
Jesus is God manifested in the flesh. You may ask the question how can this be? If Jesus was God in the flesh, how then is it that he died? This is indeed the greatest mystery of all time. How can an invisible God also be a visible man at the same time? The solution to this mystery is not in plain sight. It is rather known by revelation, for those who seek to know truth. So, the question is, do you really desire to know more about this Jesus as a way to know truth, or do you just want to satisfy your curiosity? The purpose for your search will determine the answer you'll find.
I propose to you who is reading this right now, that you first do an introspective analysis of your innermost yearnings, reflect on past encounters in your life and then decide if you want a change in the trajectory of your life. Are you satisfied with the way things are going? If you should pass away, would your soul be saved? Are you willing to take a chance that the Bible was right all along? Is it worth it? What do you have to lose by obeying God's word? These are very pertinent questions, which should be answered without delay. The answer to this great mystery is available my friends.
I received my answer many years ago, when someone used the analogy of water to explain the triune nature of God. Water is H2O in its chemical composition. Water can also be liquid as in flowing water, gas as in a steamer, or solid as in ice. These three states do not take away the fact that it is still H2O. In the same way God is a spirit, and he manifested himself as flesh in the person of Jesus Christ. You see, spirit cannot die. Therefore, God had to put on a robe of flesh so he could die. He took the punishment for sin for all humanity upon himself and made the ultimate sacrifice once and for all. He was God's secret weapon, used to redeem mankind and bring reconciliation back to himself. It was a secret because if the devil knew it, he would not have crucified Jesus.
If you sincerely desire truth and seek to ask God to reveal himself to you, he will do so. God looks at the heart and he knows if you are genuine and what your motives are. He will respond to your desire to know him. Your revelation may not be the same as mine, but you will get your own revelation, that once you receive it, nobody can change it. The decision would then be for you to act according to the Word of God in the Bible and follow his instructions regarding every area of your life. Submit to him the good, the bad and the ugly parts, every part and he will make you a new creature.
God always wins. It doesn't matter how bad the situation may seem. God can turn it around for good. So, who is this Jesus? He is all good. Anything good that you want him to be. He can be your healer, teacher, guide, profit, friend, Redeemer, deliverer or king and so much more. Make a choice. Choose to know Jesus. He is the way, the truth and the life and no one can get to God except by first accepting Jesus as the son of God. Make the right choice today. You will never regret it. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Jesus is waiting patiently, and time is running out.
Posted Sep 16, 2024
How does one go about trying to prove that there is a God? Not sure, but let me try. We could look into outer space beyond the Milky Way, look into our solar system. We could even look at the sun, (OH! but don't do that especially during a solar eclipse). OK, look at the earth or nature, a little seed produces a giant oak tree. Let's take it further, how about the human body or the fact that you are able to read this posting.
I will stop at the human brain. Marvelous creation of God. Have you ever seen a human brain? I have, if you have ever done Biochemistry, you may have gotten a chance to see it or if you even go into a meat shop and look at the kidney it looks a similar way with all these little segments, however, the shape is different and the color is like a cement. Scientists call it grey matter. The texture feels like rubber. The most striking thing about the brain thinking about it, is the fact that, you cannot even see the neurons that connect and make life possible.
How do you suppose we are able to envision a bridge in our mind, draw it on paper and then build it? How do you suppose we know how to press the brake when we see a red light or a child in the street? Do you think everything just operate on its own accord without some coordination some higher power at work? Think about outer space, your brain, outer space, your brain. In a moment you were able to travel billions of miles into outer space with just your thoughts. Your brain generates pictures of the Galaxy and with our mind we can see far away.
You can just step outside look up to the sky and then look back to the spot where you are standing. It is just a tiny spot in this great big universe. Do you not realize that man did not create this world or the universe? If man did not create it, who did? Even if it happened with a bang which, I don't believe, who made the bang?
There is a very big problem with this Big Bang Theory. I’ll put it this way, even if there was in fact a Big Bang, it would stand to reason that God almighty made the components of the Bang and provided the energy needed for the Bang to happen.
Some people might say I cannot see God how can I believe in him? A simple answer is this, you cannot see oxygen, but you believe in oxygen and that it keeps you alive. This became very apparent during COVID. Everyone needed oxygen to stay alive, we still need it. The price of oxygen in some countries went up and supplies ran low. Everybody was very much aware of the need and the importance of having oxygen. In the same way no one can say they have seen oxygen, but every human being needs it and trust me they believe in it because if they don't have oxygen, they would have difficulty breathing and would need to go to the hospital right away. They would develop physical symptoms such as shortness of breath, headache, your heart starts to beat faster, and your skin may even turn blue. If not resolved, you will die within 10 minutes. WOW, this is serious, isn't it?
OK, so what about this God that we cannot see? We must believe in him although we cannot see him with our physical eyes. Trust me, we can see him in his creation every day, and his masterpiece creation was mankind. We can feel him if we want to, we are without excuse. Let us stop fooling ourselves and allowing others to fool us. It is time to acknowledge God, a higher power and get in line with the reason why he created us. We were created to worship him, have fellowship with him, take care of his creation, enjoy what he made for us and to be happy with him. It is time to get serious, stop trying to live without God, stop thinking he doesn't exist, stop kicking against the pricks, we only hurt ourselves and others. I pray that we may find our purpose in this world, live it and enjoy the peace of God that supersedes all man’s wisdom and understanding.
Posted Sep 6, 2024.
1st Thessalonians 5:23, “And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly and I pray God, your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless on to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
To fully comprehend the concept and accept as true that man is comprised of a spirit, soul and a body is not an easy task. One must first accept the Bible as truth and then seek fervently to understand the scriptures. In my attempt to explain this concept of the whole man, I would use a computer as an example. The basic computer has hardware, such as keyboards, monitor and a central processing unit. There is also software which consists of the different programs that are installed to carry out several functions. The most important part of the computer is the motherboard. This is because it facilitates the connections for all the systems to work, so basically every component in the computer touches the motherboard in some way.
Let us now align this with the human body. The body of man that is flesh and blood can be compared to the hardware of the computer. The soul or mind of man is similar to the software and the spirit is like the motherboard. As we can see all the parts are different, but they function together to achieve a purpose or carry out a task. If you don't believe try to bake a pie without thinking about it, not possible right? everything that we do starts with a thought. We use our minds to think. The concept of the body and soul or mind of man is easy enough to understand, because we are very familiar with their functions. The spirit of man is not very real to some however, because of what happened way back in the garden of Eden. When God created man and breathe into him, the Bible said man became a living soul Genesis 2:7. What does this mean? It means man was in unity with God, totally connected and bonded with him by the spirit which he breathed into man. No problems until the serpent tempted Eve and used her to bring the man down. Women causing men to fall from grace and great positions started from here and it continues until today.
When both Adam and Eve disobeyed God, sin entered into their hearts, and it broke the connection that God had with mankind. You could liken this to losing your Internet connection. Yes, we can still use a computer to type, calculate and other functions but without the Internet connection our capabilities are limited. It is therefore very urgent and important that we reconnect with God as soon as possible so that we can remove all limits from our lives and regain full access to God's power, resources, strength, enduring mercies, and everlasting peace. God is truly wonderful.
I will further explain the concept of man having three compartments or aspects, those being spirit, soul and body. The soul incorporates the mind, consciousness, will and emotions of man. The body we all can see and touch, skin and bones. The spiritual side of man is however, not easily defined and is often ignored much to the detriment of society as we can see every day.
First let me seek to explain as best as I can, the spirit of man. Man was created by God and became a living soul when God breathed into him. Therefore, a part of God is inside us. As I previously explained that the spiritual side of man can be compared to the connectivity capability of the motherboard in the computer. Or you could even compare it to the metals in an electric wire. The potential is there to connect to a power source and so be able to function optimally. So it is with the spirit of man.
For us to function optimally, be the best we can be, fulfill our purpose and to maximize our potential, we have to be plugged in, connected, charged up with the spirit of God, a higher power. How does someone get this connection? They first have to seek for it, acknowledge their need for God and obey what God commands. When these steps are carried out they will be filled with the spirit of God just the way it happened in Acts Chapter 2. This is a real experience when you receive the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues. Your whole being is charged up, it is as if new life is poured into you and you feel safe, secure, contented and so peaceful, oh what peace and joy. It is hard to explain but if you could imagine a lost child running towards a father who then picks up that child into his arms and gives him a good hug, imagine how that child feels. Can you imagine? This is the same sort of comfortable feeling of love, security and peace of mind that comes to you when you surrender to the one who created you.
I encourage you to find a church that teaches the infilling of the Holy Spirit. How can God receive you into his Kingdom if you refuse to accept him as a ruler of your life? How can God rule your life if he is not connected with you? How can an electrical equipment function if it is not plugged in? Romans 8:9-11 states that without the spirit of Christ we are none of his, that means we are not in the Kingdom. Let us be obedient stop trying to do your own thing, stop denying the need for God. Every day when we watch the news, we see that man by himself cannot and will not have any peace. Let us accept the prince of peace and allow him to take control of our lives. I pray you will obey this call in Jesus’ name Amen.